Ongoing Projects


Project One

  • Project One is a grant made available through Virginia ACDA that aims to bridge the gap between underserved programs and quality clinicians. The program funds grant applications throughout Virginia for vetted clinicians to work with your singers.

  • We provide rolling deadlines with set review dates for your planning purposes.

    • Applications are due July 31, October 31, January 31, and April 30

    • Notification of awards are due August 31, November 30, February 28, and May 31

  • Grantees must submit the following documents for use on the website, social media, and newsletter after the event. 

    • REQUIRED follow-up form to be sent from Treasurer to close out project finances

      • Pictures

      • Write up of the event

      • Teacher Feedback/Chair Report


Sing for VA

We take our mission from our national organization: to inspire excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition, and advocacy.

Virginia is a big place! It is 6-7 hours from the outer southern tips to the northern point, or from tip to tip across the bottom of the state. There is great work going on everywhere, and ACDA wants to support and recognize your efforts to bring excellence in choral music to your neck of the woods.


Virginia Choral Composer Connection

We have compiled a database to share the great talent and works of Virginian choral composers. We invite you to share your favorite Virginian composers or compositions through a Google Form. If you are a composer, please let us know about your work. The information collected will instantly be available on the Virginia ACDA website for all to see. What a tremendous resource this could be in discovering and promoting the great works of Virginian choral composers!

View the VCCC Database Here